We regularly donate to the following causes, people and projects – check them out and show them some love, too!
NZ's independent response-system watchdog
The Backbone Collective examines the system that responds to women and children escaping abuse through the eyes of the women themselves, and uses their experiences to encourage those in authority to make the system safer and more effective.
People powered change
ActionStation is the new force for people who believe in a fair and flourishing New Zealand. Together we are building a vehicle for people of all backgrounds to unite independent of party politics, special interests and the usual labels that divide us.
You can sponsor a New Zealand child today
More than 1 in 4 New Zealand children are growing up in deprivation, where even basics most of us take for granted are hard to come by – essentials like bedding, a school uniform, closed-in shoes, a warm jacket to wear in winter, and money for school camps and trips. Through no fault of their own they miss out and are isolated from their friends.
Neuro-Operated Utility System
Philip is a shareholder of nous – a solution that enables an entirely ‘physical-free’ access method for communication and other computer applications. designed by Thought-Wired.
Celebrating difference with nerdy queer and trans comics
On Patreon
Sam Orchard is a queer transman who's been drawing comics since he was a little girl. When he's not being Philip's EA, he draws an autobio webcomic called Rooster Tails, about him, his genderqueer partner and their cat.
Where it is always midnight at the oasis
On Patreon
A writer and illustrator of boy love webcomics! Philip especially loves Elan Meets Rafa.
Making video essays
On Patreon
Adam makes video essays that tell stories about our past and our future, using the fabric of film form to convey fascinating, surprising ideas. He runs
Keep it free
The Wikimedia Foundation is the non-profit organisation that supports Wikipedia and other free knowledge projects. Our mission is to build the most accessible and comprehensive source of free knowledge in the world.
Creating psychedelic videos
On Patreon
PsychedSubstance's Adam says, "Expanding conscious awareness is my only goal. Society has a lot of backwards concepts. If I can help you think for yourself instead of always believing what you've been told then my job is done."
Check out PsychedSubstance's YouTube channel.
Creating Digital Smartness
On Patreon
TROM is a project that aims to showcase in detail the root causes of most of today’s problems and proposes realistic solutions to solve those problems. But it is also about challenging people’s values, explaining in simple language how the world works, and providing free and good quality educational materials/tools for everyone.
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