About us
Diversity New Zealand Ltd was established in September 2001. Our vision is social improvement where all people freely share and celebrate their identity and self-expression.
We are passionate about leading social improvement that embraces curiosity and inquiry into diversity, complexity and uncertainty – and we'll share that passion and ability with you, too.
We work from Pip's home office in beautiful Westmere, Auckland.
We offer our clients a deep and leading understanding of diversity, complexity, uncertainty and social improvement, infused with fun and laughter.
Managing Director Pip (Philip) Patston works to deepen awareness of diversity in creative, fun, non-threatening ways. Pip was recognised in December 2017 as a top ten diversity consultant by the Global Diversity List, and for another two years.
If you're in a position where you're responsible for diversity, we walk alongside you to help you manage the complexity and uncertainty and show you that it's ok to get things wrong.
We want to be part of a society where all people freely share and celebrate their identity and self-expression. We'd love to work with you in making our vision a reality.
Team and partners
We co-work with many other people from diverse communities to add unique perspectives to our work.
Philip "Pip" Patston
Managing Director
Diversity and Leadership Consultant
Pip has over 25 years professional experience in counselling, social work, human rights promotion, creative and social entrepreneurship, as well as leadership. Pip also had a thirteen-year career as a professional, award-winning comedian (1997-2010).
Social Co-ordinator
Caleb, a retired Greyhound, is the canine member of the team. His duties include getting in the way, whining for no reason and sitting on anything except his own bed.
© Copyright 2023-2024 • Diversity New Zealand Ltd